Group Tutorial

At the beginning of the week, my print group took part in a peer review alongside a embroidery/mixed media group in order to provide each other with constructive criticism and suggestions in order to continue with the experimental development process.

1. Is there any evidence of a self-initiated and live brief? How is the student managing these? 

Peer response:
There is clearly two different projects taking place, obvious due to the two separate sketchbooks. This could be distinguished further by developing two separate colour palettes.

Personal response:
Due to the 'Fashion Form Fabricate' live brief being mostly technical sessions, I'm at present finding it particularly difficult to illustrate and record the processes we are being taught. By taking photographic references of process, I believe this will ensure my sketchbook becomes more cohesive in explaining my development journey. I agree entirely that the development of a colour palette for each brief will ensure that I can fully distinguish each project.

2. Is there any evidence of testing and developing ideas within a professional textiles context? How is the student documenting this?

Peer response:
Excellent colour mixing and images so far. The direction isn't entirely clear from what we are seeing at the moment, but with more development it will start to become clearer.

Personal response:
Due to being thorough with my initial research, I didn't begin to start drawing and responding to my concept until recently, meaning that I am lacking in development so far. I need to organise my time and begin my thorough initial drawings to start making print-based compositions.

3. Is there evidence of contextual research in relation to real world contemporary textiles practice? How is the student evaluating and reflecting on this? 

Peer response:
Lots of research, but due not entirely clear as to what direction the project is going.

Personal Response:
By continuing with my research, I will begin to explore the context in which my prints will be developed into.


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