Miao: Second Feedback Session

During my second feedback session, I feel more confident in my development, although I still feel like I have a lot to still cover in terms of maintaining a concise concept. The initial suggestion was to really start engaging with traditional or historic techniques and designs in order to bring more relevance to outcomes. I intend to do this by going back to my original Miao collage designs to really understand the compositions and motifs used in order to contrast this with my current contemporary architectural designs and bring further interest in to the 'flat' developments I currently have.

Another point of consideration suggested is to start considering slightly more 'interesting' silhouettes in regards to fashion illustration. I have found this particularly challenging due to not having previous fashion drawing knowledge, therefore produce outcomes that are definitely not as refined or as polished I would have hoped they would be. Hopefully, through practice I can improve this and respond in a more original way to compliment the prints I'm designing.

In short, I need to continue expanding my research and really step up with my drawing responses to produce prints that I can work into and really begin my development and experimental process.

Large-scale Gouache Painting

Initial Fashion Design Development


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