Bruntwood live brief: Concept

Following on from my personal practice brief (Mexican inspired project), the general concept to my response to the Bruntwood brief is the idea of 'bringing the outside in'.

Initially I intended to start a new brief that responded to the space, but when visiting the location, I found that what I was already developing would work really well and compliment the objects, plants and materials which were already there. I intend to develop certain aspects of my 'Mexico' project, taking it into a different direction from the fashion inspired developments and into an installation considered design process.

My intentions for this specific live brief are to design prints which respond to the location, whilst also injecting energy and a sense of escapism from the busy and bustling life of a city commuter/worker. I intend to take into consideration the professional environment in which my allocated space resides in, and therefore I will perhaps use this as an opportunity to tone down some of my earlier developments in order to not to produce overwhelmingly bright and contrasting outcomes, and further improve my ability to adapt colourways to suit different environments.

The research which has inspired my practice relates to studies that look into how urban environments can affect your mental health, and what modern urban development takes into consideration within their structures to combat this, and to improve the general wellbeing.

Particular articles that provoked my interest were Dezeen's Unstudio study in South-Korea, Dezeen's Urban Forest development study and Forbes' article into how mental health and urban environments are related. I have also discussed this topic with a Psychology graduate, and am hoping to further improve my understanding on the studies surrounding nature and urban environments, and how this impacts quality of life.

Whilst being briefed on the Bruntwood site, I took the opportunity to take photos that illustrated my concept: 'Bringing the outside in'. My aim was to find photo angles which made it look like the natural elements on the site were taking over the urban structures. I then hope to respond to these using drawn and painted responses which I then intend to collage into print ideas.

Through development, I intend to continue with drawing site specific inspired motifs which respond and exaggerate the small amounts of greenery on site in order to respond back to the idea of bringing a tropical haven into an office building. I also intend to respond to the urban element by laser cutting architectural inspired overlays for my printed designs.

My current approach to the brief is to produce a printed, layered wall design which responds to both the natural and urban elements. My coloured manipulations of the architecture are early considerations of aspects that will inspire me to create motifs. 


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