Bruntwood: Presentation Pitch

On reflection, I feel that my presentation went well! I felt that due to all the previous practice presentations beforehand, I was able to gradually build my confidence in talking coherently in front of a small audience. I made sure my presentation attempted to cover all aspects of my concept and creative thinking, but in a way in which was visual and as easy to grasp as possible and without becoming overwhelming.

I found the budgeting and specific planning aspect a little challenging. This is because I personally find that its difficult to predict your development process, due to sometimes discovering something unexpected which leads you to a new route of experimentation. The contingency amount that I developed will hopefully take this into consideration during the process.

Moving forward, and taking into consideration the constructive advice the Bruntwood representatives expressed, I intend to progress by looking into transparent perspex overlays. I still intend to keep to the yellow concept I have already begun developing, but I agree that this would be interesting to further investigate. It was also put forward to perhaps experiment with downscaling my overall piece, due to perhaps it being more suitable within the location.

Although I'm extremely appreciative of being given a space within the Bruntwood site and making it through the selection process, I will definitely find it challenging by having to adapt to the new location within the building, and having to use my budget more efficiently due to it being slightly reduced.


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